Partners & Awards - Friday Sept 3, 2021

 - 03 Sep 2021

New Partners-

Video Awards-
@EpicNau - The battlefield Sandbox
@LoganRadioRocks Fresh & Fun I am Feeling Splitgate!
@peeceful - Paintballing comp
@FullClip - R/Gaming Review - I'm The Simp Now
@tacoandnachotv - theres poo everywhere
@Mr.J - The Splitgate Experience
@JustThose_Guys - SlyMako caught a what?!
@DotSlashFrag - Eating the World's Hottest Pepper
@Jackrope - HAN SOLO | MOVE | (Star Wars Battlefront 2) -
@GameProBros - Twelve Minutes #1 - A Wife and a Knife
@GrimlockePrime - one Punch man game review